Your tax-deductible donations are vital to our mission.

You can make a donation towards a specific program or project you believe in, or dedicate your gift in memory or in honor of a loved one, family member, or friend. We also appreciate donations of supplies. See our In-Kind Donation list below.

Donate online safely and securely via Network for Good:

Become a pledger by completing this form and returning it to CALC at 458 Blair Boulevard, Eugene, OR 97402 or by email at You can also become a pledger by selecting “recurring donation” when you donate online.

Mail it to 458 Blair Boulevard, Eugene, OR 97402.

Bring it to 458 Blair Boulevard, Eugene, OR 97402 anytime (we have a secure mailbox by our front door).

IRA Donations: Gifts from your IRA count towards your new Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for 2023 AND are tax-free! The current maximum annual charitable contribution that qualifies for an income tax reduction is up to $100,000. Qualified contributions of any size are greatly appreciated! If you are interested in making a qualified charitable distribution, contact the institution that manages your IRA, and they can help you get set up. Please let us know if you or your financial institution needs any other information. 

Planned Giving: Include CALC in your will and trusts to help ensure that CALC will continue to thrive for decades to come. Contact us to learn how you could save money on will preparation and taxes, and help CALC at the same time.

Sign up for Escrip by registering your payments cards and from then on, a percentage of your everyday purchases will go to CALC.

In-Kind Donations If you have time, expertise, or resources to share, please fill out our volunteer form or email us at We’re currently looking for the following in-kind donations: sildalis precio

  • Snacks for the weekly Latinx Youth Group, City Wide Union de Activistas
  • Flyering for CALC events
  • Event Photography 
  • Mailing party support
  • Snacks for events
  • Tech equipment (mics, speakers, amp, etc) – donation or on loan